Vertiflex Superion Testimonial - Mr. Lee Oubre
In today’s Vertiflex Superion testimonial, we spotlight Mr. Lee Oubre. When we asked him to describe himself, Mr. Oubre said, “I’m an active person. I ride my bike every day for an hour. My motto is, ‘when you can alleviate impediments from your life, you go for it.’”
Life with Spinal Stenosis
Lumbar spinal stenosis develops as we age. Over time, the lower back degenerates, causing bulging discs, thickening of spinal ligaments, and bone spurs. These changes constriction the nerves in the spinal column causes inflammation and the radiating pain associated with LSS.
“You take little things for granted until you have stenosis. I would try to lean back and tilt my head to put drops in my eyes in the morning, and the pain was unbelievable. I didn’t want to wind up like these people you see stooped over, shuffling around with a cane. So I started looking for a solution.”
Mr. Ourbe said before he visited Segura Neuroscience & Pain Center, he had been to other doctors, but no one had a solution he felt comfortable with. His options were to either live with the pain, take pain medications, or endure major spine surgery.
“I’ve been to neurosurgeons who said the only solution to my pain would be serious surgery - rods and plates. Basically, they wanted to put an oil derrick in my back,” said Mr. Oubre. “Talking to the other people in the waiting room, I realized 1⁄2 of them were there trying fix problems from failed back surgery. When I heard that, I told them, “You’ve got to be joking. No way. Not in this lifetime!”
"I’ve been to neurosurgeons who said the only solution to my pain would be serious surgery - rods and plates. I told them, 'You’ve got to be joking. No way. '"Mr. Lee Oubre
Where Vertiflex Fits in the Spinal Stenosis Treatment Plan
“In short, the vertiflex procedure offers a new alternative in the treatment plan for spinal stenosis,” says Dr. Richard C. Robertson, Jr. “It’s a reasonable solution for patients who are no longer responding to the simple treatments we’ve offered for years, but who aren’t ready, or aren’t good candidates for more serious procedures.
"the Vertiflex procedure offers a new alternative in the treatment of spinal stenosis."Dr. Richard C. Robertson, Jr.
The Clinical Picture of the Vertiflex Candidate
The symptoms we’re looking for are patients who have difficulty moving around and walking. You see these patients in the supermarket all the time. Because they have a lot of stenosis, or thickening of the spine, they are walking around stooped forward, or leaning heavily on the shopping cart.
In the imaging, we’re looking for mild to moderate stenosis with neurogenic claudication - pinching or inflammation of the nerves emanating from the spinal cord, who improve with sitting or bending forward.
“I’m very excited about this technology, not only because it is successful with my patients like Mr. Oubre, but because it has 5 years of data from the largest study of spinal stenosis to back it up. The vertiflex procedure is an evidence-based record of providing long-term relief."
"I’m very excited about this technology. It has 5 years of data from the largest study of spinal stenosis to back it up."Dr. Richard C. Robertson, Jr.
How the Vertiflex Procedure Differs from Other Treatments
Many patients with lumbar stenosis get injections ever so often to address their pain. And they work for a little while. But the patients know they will eventually have to go back for more. They just cover up the symptoms.
“The difference between the Vertiflex implant and a lot of other therapies is that most options are palliative. This is actually treating it. The patients are getting the type of treatment offered by other surgeons, but in a form that is much less invasive. As a physician, you love to hear a vertiflex superion testimonial from patients who have been on opioids for years and are able to get off, or significantly reduce their use of them. We’re able to offer a solution that can improve function, decrease pain, and reduce opioid use. In pain management, that’s a big win.”
"The difference between the Vertiflex implant and a lot of other therapies is that most options are palliative. This is actually treating the problem. "Dr. Richard C. Robertson, Jr.
The Patient’s Experience with the Procedure
"I saw a poster for the procedure at Dr. Segura’s office and asked about it." said Mr. Oubre. "The doctor looked at my MRI and determined that I was a good candidate. When Dr. Robertson explained the procedure to me, I was encouraged for the first time in a long time. I was excited because the Vertiflex implant is a simple, reversible outpatient procedure. Dr. Robertson told me I can have it removed if I have to. You can’t say that about serious spine surgery!”
When asked about the procedure itself, Mr. Ourbe added, "There’s really nothing to it. In 3 hours I was home. I felt the full effects of it the next morning when I brushed my teeth. The pain was gone. Thank God I got it. My only regret is that I didn’t find out about it earlier.”
“The pain was gone. Thank God I got it. My only regret is that I didn’t find out about it earlier.”Mr. Lee Oubre
“If you are a good candidate, and are thinking about it, I’ve got two words of advice for you, ‘DO IT.’ It was so simple it’s ridiculous. I agreed to do this Vertiflex Superion testimonial because I want to spread the word. Take it from someone who has had it done. If you don’t do anything, six months from now you’re going to be in the same place or worse. I took action. Now I’m out there riding my bike and jumping around, not shuffling around with a cane.”
“I took action. Now I’m out there riding my bike and jumping around, not shuffling around with a cane.”Mr. Lee Oubre
Is the Vertiflex Procedure right for you?
Are you ready to take control of your painful lumbar spinal stenosis? If conservative approaches like epidural steroid injections or physical therapy haven't relieved your pain, and surgery seems too aggressive, the Superion implant for lumbar spinal stenosis may be ideal for you.
Click here to request an appointment online, or call us directly to set up an appointment to learn more about your options at (985) 231-6751.
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