Cervical radiculopathy is a condition related to the damage, irritation, or compression of nerves in the neck. Often, the pain related to cervical radiculopathy is the result of a pinched or irritated nerve. Damage to the cervical nerves can result in symptoms such as pain, numbness, weakness, motor control deficits, tingling, or loss of sensory function. A pinched nerve could be the result of injuries involving damage to the musculoskeletal structures around a nerve. Damaged cartilage, injured tendons, and herniated or slipped discs can all place excessive pressure on cervical nerves.

Cervical disc herniation, the most common cause of cervical radiculopathy, occurs when a spinal disc in the neck begins to swell outward. This bulging results in a squeezing of nerves in the neck. Other conditions, such as arthritis, tumors, infections, spondylarthrosis, or nerve injuries can also be responsible for symptoms relating to cervical radiculopathy. The condition may also be the result of an injury, which could be caused by an accident, excessive strain, or diabetic neuropathy.

There are a wide variety of diagnostic tools available to patients who suffer from neck pain symptoms. Once a patient is diagnosed, a doctor will be able to develop a treatment plan that suits the patient’s needs. We at Segura Neuroscience & Pain Center offer several diagnostic and treatment options, including cervical epidural steroid injections.

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